Ways to Learn More About Yourself

The relationship you have with yourself is one of the longest ones you’ll have. For this reason, we often hear people share about self-discovery and its importance but sometimes it can be made to seem like something mythical that requires time alone on a mountain whilst burning sage.



There are simple ways to learn more about yourself that are accessible to everyone, but it does require some curiosity, patience and attention.


Are there signs you don’t know yourself?

Over the past few years I’ve had several moments and experiences that helped me realise I didn’t know myself well enough. I believe there are a few tell-tale signs that can help you identify when there is a lack of self-knowledge. Here are a few questions you can answer.


  1. When online, do you pause to see what you think/feel about something, or do you go straight to the comments section?
  2. Do you take time to explore your thoughts? Or do you constantly ask people what they think you should do?
  3. Do you often feel inferior to others & compare yourself to their strengths and accomplishments?
  4. Are you on a constant quest for approval?
  5. Do you doubt your decisions often?
  6. Do you find yourself over assimilating or working hard to fit into each social group you’re in?
  7. Do you continuously take time to know yourself?


Depending on your answers to these questions, there might be a need to invest more time and energy into learning about yourself, even as you evolve.


Before delving into some of the tools I often recommend, here are a few things I’ve learned so far on my journey of self-discovery.


  1. It’s ongoing. You will always be in a state of learning about self.
  2. There are things attached to it that don’t come overnight. Patience is needed. For example, self-worth, self-value, self-acceptance, a world & life reflective of who you are. All these things flow from self-discovery and take time to develop.
  3. Self-discovery doesn’t have to be found solely in isolation, but the quiet/reduction of noise does help. There will be periods where you need to withdraw and spend time with yourself.
  4. Knowing yourself deeply will save you time mourning things that should’ve never been there in the first place. Sometimes we say yes to things that we don’t need to because we don’t know ourselves enough to know what we need.


When you take time to know yourself better you can have a more accurate measurement of what losses and wins are. Some things aren’t truly losses because they simply do not match up to who you are and where you are going, but if you don’t know yourself well enough or where you’re going you will think that everything that has gone or is no longer there is a loss that you need to mourn deeply.



There are several ways to learn about yourself but overtime, there are a few methods that have worked well for me, and I often recommend to others.


  1. Listen to what you say.

Making a conscious effort to observe what you say will reveal so much to you about the way you think. It’s what’s inside of you that comes out when you speak so this is a great way to learn what you really think about money, people, trust, friendships and so much more. The little sayings you utter frequently can be incredibly insightful if you allow them to be.


  1. Observe what you do.

This is another great way to get insight into who you are. Where does your time and energy go? What are the habits you have? Make time to take note of your responses to situations and triggers.


  1. Look at your impact.

The way you make people feel and the impact you have on them can shed great light on your values. You can ask people directly about the impact you have on them or the way you make them feel.


This is a way to discover more about who you are. What are the things people constantly say to or about you? (Caveat: make sure you trust said people - sometimes people speak from their desires of who they want you to be instead of fact)


  1. Analyse the past.

Don’t dwell on it or seek to change it but analyse life events, your response, and the effect it had on you. You can also assess if you want to stay that way.


  1. Ask interesting questions like you would to a date or partner.

What are your likes and dislikes? Why do you think the way you do? What makes you happy? What do you like to do? What are your strengths and weaknesses?


  1. Journal

Spending time to meet yourself by writing honestly is helpful in taking the thoughts from your mind and putting them on paper where you can see. If journaling feels unfamiliar to you then using a journal with prompts can be a great way to start.


As I always say, self-discovery is the gift that keeps on giving and I hope you tap into that.


